Pumpkin Pre-School

3 – 4 Years

Our pre-schoolers benefit from sessions planned and run by our qualified teachers, following the same Early Years Foundation Stage guidelines as school nurseries, but with a focus on the individual interests and needs of each child.

Because we work with higher staff ratios than schools, we can often be found on regular trips out around the village and on the bus to local towns, nature reserves and museums; learning about the environment, exploring the woods, using the large play equipment at the park and practising their maths at the local shop!

We offer 15 and 30 hour funded places which can be spread and used throughout the year, including for wraparound care.


Some of our pre-school children enjoy wearing the Pumpkin Pie Uniform as it helps them to develop a sense of routine, belonging and getting ready for the transition to school. To order uniform for your pre-school child, please email [email protected]. We have a small stock of items at nursery which are available on a first come first served basis and we place new orders each term for any additional items required.

Upper Pre-school Mezzanine

Our oldest pre-school children – Upper Pre-school- are lucky to have their own new room on the mezzanine floor. This space is designed to prepare them for joining reception within the next school year, with a particular focus on literacy, phonics and mathematics. With 4 qualified teachers within our Pre-school, they are able to work with small groups and in one to one sessions to provide dedicated learning time to each and every child.

To find out further information about what we can offer your pre-schooler, please click on this link to view our

Pre-school Welcome Pack. 

“Amazing 4 yrs for Kimberly, she’s loved every minute and has learnt so much and come away with lovely memories, she’s had the best start at Pumpkin pie.”
